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The Folklore1685 project started in 2015 when both myself and my partner decided to try living a more sustainable life. We didn't know at the time that this would in turn become a journey to a better, more enjoyable and healthier life. Our out-look confuses a lot of people, because on the face of it we have to think about everything we do and 'miss-out' on many things our friends view as necessary parts of modern life. For us, we see our friends having to miss-out on many of the things that make our lifestyle precious.


We don't want to live in the stone-age, yet we believe we can do without many of the modern necessities that trap most of our generation in a 'work to live/live to work' cycle. Our work is for our own future. The days are long, but we are our  own boss.


We grow much of our own food, as living on a plant-based diet means that we can produce a significant amount of our own produce, topped up with a few things that either don't grow in our climate or we don't have enough land for. A well stocked spice-cupboard and dry-goods pantry can make a million different meals! It also means that we barely spend anything on our grocery shop, which in turn reduces our need to go out and work a 9-5.


To those that view this rejection of the 9-5 lifestyle as a cop-out, I will point out that we have never claimed benefits or accepted any governmental assistance. We simply reduce our out-goings by living frugally and live within our means.  


 What money we do have comes from occasional part-time employment and our handmade business, where we sell the things we make to pay for those things we can't eliminate, like council tax, water-rates and the rest of the 'system' related living costs. Our long term plan is to buy a plot of land with a private water supply and build an eco-house to further reduce our dependence on the grid. We consider a healthy work/life balance the most important thing to our well-being, and although growing food and making the things we need are labour intensive, they are part of a lifestyle. We don't make the distinction between work and pleasure because they are all one and the same in our world.



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